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Kids training- 3 popular myths and misconceptions out there

Updated on Mar 11, 2024
1 min read

The sports industry is continually devising new strategies to improve kids’ athleticism. What’s even more impressive is the number of parents and caregivers motivating their children to get hooked on sports.

The other thing that’s hard to ignore, though, is all the misinformation floating around the issue of training with kids. While some of these myths are crafted to defraud the parents, others do a disservice to kids.

Here are common myths to be wary of when designing training for kids.

Early Specialization Helps

Early sport specialization is gaining momentum. The rationale here is that by concentrating on one sport, the child will develop the necessary skills for that sport much more quickly. While there’s some support for early sport-specific skill development, the drawbacks are numerous. Studies prove that early specialization can;

  • Lead to overuse injuries.
  • Lead to short-lived athletic careers.
  • Do a disservice to skill development by inhibiting motor skills development.

You Can Push Your Kids into Sports

We all want the best for our kids. A little push here and there seems necessary when encouraging them to put more effort into sports. Unfortunately, most parents today seem to push their kids way too hard. While excelling in sports may give your child a competitive edge to win an athletic scholarship in the future, it’s crucial to realize that this is just one of their many windows in life.

To strike the right balance, begin by understanding your children’s interests, strengths, and weaknesses. It’s also crucial to involve them in the conversation of what’s interesting for them to do when out of school.

Your Child Should Train Like an Adult

Forget what TikTok or YouTube may have led you to believe. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), children 6 years and above and adolescents only require one hour a day of physical activity. And while it’s safe for them to hit the gym, a large part of that 1 hour should involve moderate or vigorous agility exercises for kids.

Blazepod is one of the best investments you can add to your kids’ exercise routine. This light-based system will develop your young player’s reaction time, hand-eye coordination, balance, and agility while keeping the workouts fun.